Emergence of Industrial Ecosystems in Post-Authoritarian Contexts


  • Kristina Grumadaite Kaunas University of Technology
  • Giedrius Jucevicius Kaunas University of Technology




ecosystem approach, emergence patterns, post-authoritarian, Lithuania, industrial clusters


Purpose of the article: This article analyses cluster emergence in post-authoritarian countries with immature socio-economic context by adapting the approach of industrial clusters as industrial ecosystems and analysing cluster emergence cases. Methodology/methods: Review of scientific literature, case analysis. Scientific aim: This article presents different scenarios of cluster emergence based on cases of industrial clusters in a Lithuanian context and provides solutions for cluster emergence in post-authoritarian countries. Findings: The analysis of scientific literature revealed the following solutions of cluster emergence in postauthoritarian contexts: 1) Large firm(s) acting as anchors for attracting smaller companies into cluster; 2) Cluster emergence as a means to serve the needs of large customer outside the cluster; 3) Cluster emergence via local business entrepreneurs; 4) Cluster emergence via local science representatives; 5) Cluster emergence through adapting historically formed regional knowledge and networks; 6) Government as the main agent for change. The analysis of industrial clusters emergence in Lithuania revealed four different combinations of planned/ unplanned non-equilibrium phenomena and the first explicit/inexplicit initiatives toward the emergence of selforganising industrial systems by analysing the cases of cluster emergence in Lithuanian context. These cases highlighted the importance of leaders-initiators that were local large or simply very experienced enterprises, groups of managers of small and medium sized enterprises, mediators-communication facilitators from nonbusiness enterprises. These actors helped to cope with unplanned and planned non-equilibrium phenomena. Conclusions: Since the empirical analysis concentrated only in the first stage of cluster emergence of postauthoritarian context, a further research is needed to take a deeper look at the development of industrial clusters as industrial ecosystems in post-authoritarian contexts and thus evaluate the aspects of emergence emphasised in the theoretical part of the article.

Author Biographies

Kristina Grumadaite, Kaunas University of Technology

PhD student and junior project researcher at the Department of Strategic Management, School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology

Giedrius Jucevicius, Kaunas University of Technology

Professor and principal project researcher at the Department of Strategic Management, School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology




